ACRA site/ Сайт АКРА —  функциональный рейтинговый портал

Обновление сайта — повод не только пересмотреть дизайн и количество разделов в панели администратора, но и улучшить бизнес-процессы. Поэтому наш план работ выглядел следующим образом:

  • Изучить процесс присвоения и поддержания рейтингов
  • Выстроить новую модель добавления контента
  • Обновить сайт под новый фирменный стиль
  • Настроить UX и поставить АКРА на один уровень с зарубежными рейтинговыми агентствами.

Подробнее о проекте


How to make a functional rating portal 

About the ProjectACRA is an analytical credit rating agency. The company’s total authorized capital stock is 3 billion rubles, and the company’s shareholders include the largest Russian organizations, for instance, Sistema AFK, Alfa Bank, VTB Bank, Gazprombank, Renova Group, ONEXIM Group, Kommersant. ACRA is the first Russian rating agency accredited by the Bank of Russia, and it assigns both national and international credit ratings to all categories of issuers.Task in handWe had to update the agency site — initially, it ran on Ruby on Rails, which caused a number of problems:1. Ruby is a niche language, thus, the site support hinged on the Contractor’s expertise. 2. It’s the ACRA team who had to adapt business processes to the site, and not vice versa. It caused time spending by employees — the situation was as follows: one employee prepares the information, the second one — publishes it, the third one —validates it, and the fourth — checks it.  3. Problems were possible when publishing ratings, as computer-aided testing was not available for all the site processes. Meanwhile, the price of a possible mistake for a rating agency is high: close attention is paid to credit ratings not only by the regulator, but also by issuers, investment professionals, including private and institutional investors. Solution DescriptionThe site update is a chance not only to redesign it and to optimize the number of the administrator panel components, but also to optimize business processes. So, our work agenda was as follows:— Study the rating assignment and maintaining process— Provide a new model for adding content — Update the site by adapting it to the new corporate style— Make settings for better UX and rate ACRA as foreign rating agencies First stage — project study in ACRA office. We cooperated with the client from the project start: the agency did a great job to formalize its own workflow, and after studying the documents we initiated options for implementation on the site and the business process optimization. The project study resulted in:— formalized ACRA workflow;— site object model; — project features list.Before switching to us, the customer has repeatedly encountered substandard work of contractors, so, he opted for Bitrix. On the one hand, CMS provides a certified secure data storage, on the other — it’s an updatable and secured content management system. Moreover, the market provides a wide choice of developers using Bitrix, so, ACRA won’t be bound to one contractor.One of the main tasks of the whole project is to unite Bitrix, object model and ERP-system of ACRA by combining three notions. As Bitrix has its own infrastructure, not always matching the client’s tasks, we added the system functionality and wrote own components over the CMS core. In cooperation with Mish studio, we restructured and went through the UX from the site in details. Being inspired by the European ‘clean’ design, the team developed a minimalistic interface and a digital guide featuring unique graphic elements. Key pages: — Rating reports with advanced filter and search features. A simple universal uniform presentation formula (rating action + scale + rating) was developed for the ratings— Catalogue of various elements — Analytical reports — Corporate blocks Results The proactive approach, thorough consideration of requirements and cooperation with the customer allowed us to create a site suitable for business tasks of the agency — from publishing the ratings to integration with the mailing servers. The site support is easy and budget-priced, since the site is on Bitrix. At the same time, minimalistic design made for better UX makes the site comfortable and functional.

ACRA site/ Сайт АКРА — функциональный рейтинговый портал

Сделано в Россия






Тип проекта: Веб-сайт
Страна: Россия
Категория: Бизнес
Стиль: Big photo
Цвет: Красный