CHEMEXSOL — Digital online system for oil and gas industry / Цифровая онлайн-система для нефтегазовой отрасли

Chemexsol — инновационная цифровая онлайн-система по производству и доставке реагентов для нефтегазовой отрасли с инструментом по оптимизации цепочек поставок.

Chemexsol объединяет весь процесс производства и поставки химических реагентов в одну информационную систему, которая позволяет выстраивать логистические цепочки от поставщиков сырья для производства  химических реагентов до компании заказчика в режиме одного окна, не покидая систему. Онлайн-система разработана с использованием технологии анализа больших данных и адаптивных алгоритмов, вследствие чего появляется возможность выстраивания оптимальных алгоритмов взаимодействия, которые охватывают поставщиков сырья, производственные площадки, заказчиков химических реагентов и транспортные компании. Система анализирует множество параметров по возможностям и особенностям участников и отображает заказчику оптимальный для него вариант с учетом производства и поставки реагентов по заданным критериям (стоимость, эффективность, срок поставки). 



Chemexsol is an innovative digital online system for oil and gas industry. It provides intelligent supply chain optimization to facilitate production and delivery of chemical reagents.Chemexsol combines all the stages of the production process into a single information system, allowing to build logistics chains—from raw material suppliers to end customers—within a single pane of glass. Thanks to the built-in adaptive algorithms and tools for big data analysis, Chemexsol optimizes the interaction of all the stakeholders—raw material suppliers, production sites, end customers, and shipping companies. The system analyzes participants\\\' capabilities and characteristics by multiple parameters, matches these data to the customer specified criteria (price,efficiency, delivery date), and figures out the best possible option.Cost reductionUsing Chemexsol lowers the price of chemical reagents for the end customers thanks to the large number of participants in the system and lower production costs. The latter is achieved through logistics optimization, lower prices on raw materials given the larger quantities, and also fully- loaded production facilities at blending sites. OptimizationChemexsol also has prime cost optimization mechanisms, such as reverse auction among shipping companies and dynamic margin change by the developers of chemical reagents according to the market conditions. The system can identify reagents that are best suited for addressing the customer\\\'s needs and recommend them for testing.StructureThe front end is developed using Angular and follows the Angular Material guidelines. Angular Material helps create an advanced and consistent user interface, while providing the ability to control the behavior of its different components—all this accounts for a great user experience.   The system uses a dedicated server with additional security levels as well as a special Secret microservice to protect sensitive user data. Supply chain options are offered based on criteria like price, cost and time of delivery, etc.  Introduction of neural networks and data mining allowed to reduce the final cost of products and streamline key processes—from finding customers to production.  The platform covers all the risks, ensures compliance with the latest security and certification requirements: all sensitive commercial information is stored within the secure perimeter.As an MVP (Minimum Viable Product), we developed a web interface for companies involved in the reagent supply chain—from specification to production and use.  We created various roles and data management functionalities for different participating organizations. Customers, for example, can publish information about requested items, their properties, as well as target and actual efficiency. Suppliers (production sites, shipping companies, and raw material suppliers) describe the range of their services, including the relevant terms and up-to- date prices.  As a result, a customer is presented with several possible supply chain options for their target reagent. This speeds up the decision making regarding partnership with a certain supplier, increases production and logistics transparency, and also creates an easy-to-use platform by bringing together all the relevant stakeholders.  We\\\'ve chosen an architectural solution that enables us to easily expand the platform ecosystem around the core solution.  The system has a fully microservice architecture providing for an equally distributed load and the services that can work independently of each other. Besides, it simplifies and speeds up introduction of new features or integration with third party SaaS- solutions.Successful launchWe began to work on the main part of the system in June 2018. The system is currently live.  In the course of the project, we planned to make both major (business logic and architecture) and minor adjustments to the system to fine-tune the work of its various components. That’s why we opted for an agile approach to development, enabling us to create new features while not impeding live usage in production environment.     As a result, just 9 months after the start of the project, the platform was ready to support first orders. Thanks to the optimal architectural solution we’ve chosen, our development team continues to increase the functionality of the system, providing even greater usability and creating a basis for attracting new customers and entering new markets.

CHEMEXSOL — Digital online system for oil and gas industry / Цифровая онлайн-система для нефтегазовой отрасли

Сделано в Россия






Тип проекта: Веб-сайт
Страна: Россия
Категория: Производство
Стиль: Big photo
Цвет: Красный