
FinEx is one of the biggest ETF providers in the Russian market which helps users to get access to international stocks markets. On their website users can create a well-balanced investment portfolio, sorted by the class of funds, currency and country of stock exchange.FinEx was using 1C-Bitrix platform for its website. This platform is a statistics system, which displays the stock market information on FinEx website. This information had to be updated frequently, so guys had to manually update the information in their website through a management panel. This was leading to absence of analysis instruments and long web page load time.FinEx reevaluated the approach and decided to focus on creating a platform with ability to actually manage investments, the one and only in its niche. The added value of their product would be adding a series of specialised instruments, which would provide the user with the most up-to-date information about stock markets.We had to create a platform for tracking stock markets in real time. With the latest and fastest updates.We decided to recode the whole website using the React JS framework. We have also used Redux, Next.JS and MaterialUI. We chose these applications because:they allow the client to support the project themselvesthey are popularthey are easy to useAs a result we have:– redesigned the interface of the website and made it more user friendly– added 5 ready portfolios, which help user to get the investment price, robotic-calculator, pension calculator and individual investment account calculator– changed the visuals and business logic of these calculators, so they could consolidate the statistics from all markets and users actions, providing a generous amount of stata (about inflation rates, investment periods, investment amounts etc.)The main challenge for our team was to understand the economics of trading and investment on the ETF platform. To create the product for our client, we had to use business analysts' help in calculating a unique filtration algorithm. And that worked.KPI– 3,5 times increase in users interested in investments– 4 times increase in the website users– 2,5 times decrease in bounce rates


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Тип проекта: Веб-сайт
Страна: Россия
Категория: Финансы
Стиль: Flat
Цвет: Синий