Corporate online store for Estee Lauder Russia

Corporate online store for ELC Russia employees (about 1500 people). Based on this project, the first ELC Russia store wil be implemented practically, it will contain all brands and products of the group of companies. The project is technically difficult and includes many integrations: Brandquad (storage of the catalog), 1С (price information), SAP (processing orders and their statuses, information of current goods balance), Molcom (warehouse and logistics), Exchange (corporate mail). The website is already launched, and the first sale exceeded the KPI of the project: there were made 80% orders of the total bonus volume.

Corporate online store for Estee Lauder Russia

Сделано в Россия






Тип проекта: Веб-сайт
Страна: Россия
Категория: Электронная коммерция
Стиль: Big photo
Цвет: Синий