MTS Plusonomy

Plusonomy is a blog of MTS, Russia\\\'s largest mobile operator, about investments.Together with the digital publishing house Svoemedia, we developed a website for the content-project of MTS.Together with the digital publishing house Svoemedia, we developed a website for the content-project of MTS. The blog includes articles about investments, finance, banks, bonds and general news on the investment market. The site has a dictionary where everyone can familiarize themselves with terms from the world of finance. The question-answer block contains answers to frequently asked questions faced by customers. The target action of the site is to become an inverter. We worked out the mobile version as conveniently as possible for long reading articles. The project was developed in the digital company Svoemedia with the participation of Promobelka Digital

MTS Plusonomy

Сделано в Германия






Тип проекта: Веб-сайт
Страна: Россия
Категория: Реклама и маркетинг
Стиль: Minimalist
Цвет: Красный