How the Implemented Tools Deliver Results for the 10con10t Online Store

In our project for 10con10t, we aimed to create a functional online store that adds real value to customers. Here’s how the tools we implemented work and have already helped other clients.

1. Easy Size and Color Selection 
Many parents struggle to find the right size for their kids. Based on our experience with other clients, we integrated a one-click size and color selection feature. This simplifies the shopping process, allowing parents to quickly find what they need. One of our clients in sports apparel saw a 25% increase in conversions using this tool!

2. Wishlist Feature  
The wishlist helps customers return to items they like. Clients who use this feature have reported an increase in repeat purchases. One cosmetics client found that 40% of customers came back to buy items saved in their wishlist.

3. Flexible Payment Options  
Offering multiple payment methods, like credit cards and e-wallets, provides convenience and security. A client in electronics saw a 15% boost in average order value by expanding their payment options, making it easier for customers to check out.

4. Multilingual Support  
In a global market, having a multilingual interface is key. This feature allows businesses to reach a broader audience and make shopping accessible to customers from different regions.

We implemented these tools based on the success stories of our clients and their feedback. In the 10con10t store, these features will simplify and enhance the shopping experience for all parents. We don’t just meet client requests, we create solutions that deliver real results.

Want to learn more? Visit WebMedia to check out our case study and get inspired to create your own successful project!

How the Implemented Tools Deliver Results for the 10con10t Online Store

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Тип проекта: Веб-сайт
Страна: Россия
Категория: Электронная коммерция
Стиль: Big photo
Цвет: Красный