Mareven B2B ecom in Russia

Marven has more than 400 distributors throughout Russia and CIS, which constantly make wholesale orders. Due to the outdated technology the processing and making orders were taking too much time.

We had a task: to create a platform where the distributor of the company could make orders, track the status of an active order, have access to the order archive, to see the plan of targets achieved, get acquaintance with the new company products.

We have developed a large portal and we completely transferred the distributors work for the goods purchase.

We have provided the necessary tools: financial schedules, tracking the plans implementation, a detailed order form, a catalogue of products, promotions and discounts, the ability to track and adjust orders, conduct work from several organizations ... Now information on paper is on the site.

Mareven B2B ecom in Russia

Сделано в Россия






Тип проекта: Дизайн / Креатив
Страна: Россия
Категория: Еда
Стиль: Big photo
Цвет: Желтый