The Power of LinkedIn ( + networking and pitching)

Афганистан, The Power of LinkedIn ( + networking and pitching)

With more than 104 millions users in Europe, LinkedIn is a “MUST HAVE” if you want to be noticed by recruiters, employers, clients or business partners.

However, although a lot of professionals do have a LinkedIn profile, many of them do not make the most of LinkedIn functionalities and power.

Also, all too many LinkedIn profiles are made in a rush and lacking substance and eloquence… Did you know that close to 50% of LinkedIn users are business decision-makers?

If you wonder: How can my LinkedIn profile be improved? How can LinkedIn actually benefit me? What do I do with my connections? How can I grow my connections? … Then this event is for you.

It will help you optimize your LinkedIn page and usage so it benefits your job or business dealings, and your reputation.


  • Mind your online presence
  • Why using LinkedIn: Facts and Figures
  • Your LinkedIn page
  • Your LinkedIn headline
  • Your LinkedIn summary
  • 15 ways to Connect, Reflect, Prospect

The Talk will be followed with networking and a “Speed Pitching” session whereby anyone who wants to pitch or present their business, activity or job search will be given 2 minutes to do so.

Дата и время

January 25 - January 25




FAEL, 27 Rue de Strasbourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
The Power of LinkedIn ( + networking and pitching)