Gartner Data & Analytics Summit

Gartner Data & Analytics Summit, Gartner Data & Analytics Summit

Lead in the Age of Infinite Possibilities

Unbounded information. Limitless connections between enterprises, people and things. Pervasive technology capabilities. The opportunities to generate business value from data and analytics are infinite. 

Together, data and analytics are taking center stage as the single most powerful catalyst for change in the enterprise. This year, the event embraces the full range of information and analytics challenges you face, including:

  • Building and execute an effective, holistic data and analytics strategy
  • Preparing for trends such as AI, Hadoop, IoT and Blockchain
  • Maximizing the impact of your BI, MDM programs
  • Establishing effective information governance for better quality, privacy and security

Дата и время

March 06 - March 09


Gartner Data & Analytics Summit
Gartner Data & Analytics Summit