
  • Реклама и маркетинг
  • Разработка программного обеспечения
  • Веб-разработка
Supreme Arcade, Office No. 6, kharadi Pune 411014.
7083 120 546
  • Брендинг
  • Локальный маркетинг
  • App Marketing
  • Контекст
  • Контент-маркетинг
  • PR
  • Digital маркетинг
  • Market Research
  • SMM
  • SEO
  • SQL
  • WordPress
  • PHP

О компании

Movinnza is a specialized web solution company offering a comprehensive web development solutions and SEO in Pune and Mumbai. Combining the skills and expertise of our IT professionals we provide an end to end web solution for our clients. We believe in building your brand and hence offer you services that are designed to suit your business. Our team understands your need to optimize business with innovative solutions that are cost-effective and user friendly. Hence, we develop cutting-edge IT solution to offer an all in one web services which include affordable hosting package and web creation with a unique customization and efficient backend supportMovinnza offers specialized web development service using cutting edge technology to meet the unique business requirements of clients. Leveraging on all our programming expertise and experience of building high tech solution, we develop customized website to suit the clients need. Everything we build here is high tech and custom developed to a responsive website that performs elegantly across platforms. We offer a wide range of web modules that easily sync with the CMS platform and transform the website into an effective tool that helps clients engage with their audience. Our in-house web development team utilizes latest technology and adopts the best web development practice to offer an outstanding user experience.

Быстрый подбор исполнителя

Мы подберем профильную IT команду, максимально подходящую для вашего проекта, оценим, проконтролируем процесс, сделаем работу с технологиями понятной и прозрачной.
